An d Teddy worried lots about, The fact that he was rather stout. He thought: If only I were thin! But how does anyone begin? Here we offer a 744-page oversized British binding of "Punch Magazine, " encompassing the year of 1924, from January through June, notable for the true first appearance of.
The Winnie the Pooh character that the iconic series would become known by ("Teddy Bear" here,) by A. Milne and illustrated with the classic sketches by his illustrator, E. This is an amazing, wonderful book, full of period cartoon, sketches, articles, and columns. Eatures 10 full-page features by Milne and Shepard, which would later become the When We Were Young book; in addition to other Milne and Shepard items that are not collaborative.
Very large volume, measuring approximately 11 x 8.5-inches. Comes with a facsimile of the illustrated leaflet inserted into the original "Winnie the Pooh" book advertising Milne's works. Boards have typical wear, and acid-free consolidant has been applied to edges to keep the spine cloth from running.
Intact, uninscribed endpapers are foxed; very bright and crisp text and illustrations. Binding is very tight and square. This very special book will make a wonderful addition to your collection or a very special and thoughtful gift. Have you seen all the amazing first and rare editions of iconic books we offer? -- other auctions of classic antiquarian literature and special gifts! Thank you for your interest!